The CIFL-Blog welcomes submissions from the legal fraternity – students, professionals, educators, researchers, policy-makers, academicians or any other person affiliated with the stream.
Submissions will be accepted on areas such as Insolvency law, Company law, Securities law, Banking law and any other relevant financial laws or regulations on the contemporary and relevant issues.

1. Submissions must range from 1200 and 1500 words in length. However, we may
consider publishing longer write-ups in into multiple posts.
2. Submission should adhere to the following formatting style –
Font – Times New Roman | Font Size- 12 | Spacing – 1.5 | Alignment – Justified
3. Relevant sources such as judgments, laws, treaties, news articles, and other legal texts
must be hyperlinked in the body of the text. For offline references, please use
endnotes adhering to the Bluebook 20th Edition citation style.
4. Submissions should be made in Microsoft Word (.docx) format only.
5. Submission should reflect original and unpublished work. A maximum similarity of
15% is allowed. Non-adherence to this rule shall result in rejection of the article
6. Submission should have an informative and narrative title with not more than 20
7. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowedLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

1. All submissions shall be made via the google form available below. No submissions will be accepted via email.
2. Authors should not disclose their identities in the word document while making the submission.

- Submissions:
We accept submissions on a rolling basis form the list of eligibles
- Response:
The decision of the board shall be communicated to the authors within 7- 10 working days.
- Review:
We strictly follow a double-blind peer review process. The submission should be “original” and should not be under review in any other publication platform.
- Editorial Right:
The Editorial Board reserves the sole right to accept or reject the subject matter of the blog post for the CIFL website.
- Cross-posting:
Cross-posting or publication on other platforms is permissible only with the permission of the editors of the CIFL-Blog. To this effect, the cross posted article shall duly acknowledge by carrying the words ‘Originally published on the CIFL blog’
- Editorial Right to modify:
Subject to the requirement, the Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and modify the blog post, with the prior approval and consent of the author(s).
- Copyright: On publication of the article, the copyright over the article shall automatically transfer to the Centre for Insolvency and Financial Laws – Blog.